Sunday, January 30, 2011


Just saw blue valentine in theaters. It crushed me. It was excruciating in a raw sorta way. I've never left a theater hurting so bad. I adored it. The film that is, not the pain...


  1. what about the movie stirred up in you?

  2. Just the rawest, most realistic film I have experienced in years. It was a true testament to the demise of marital relationships not centered on Christ. The cinamatography was also exquisite. But what got me most of all was the ending. Nothing short of excruciating. Beautiful film. Not really "my type" of movie, but a masterpiece nonetheless.

  3. Now I don't know if I want to see it or not!

  4. Nick I'm not quite sure if it is the sort of movie that I would go around recommending. But it sure is one of the best films I've seen in a very long time. It was an experience. I'm still mulling over it in my mind. It is harsh, which is a "deal closer" for many who strictly judge a film purely on it's content; although, for me, despite the non-biblical elements I was able to really appreciate it as a enduring piece of art. I loved it mostly because there is so much more to it than simply what you see on the screen.
