Thursday, March 10, 2011

Here N' Now...

"Here and Now" was quite the experience. It was practical and simplistically prescriptive. It oddly enough reminded me of Oswald Chamber's devotional "My Utmost For His Highest." Reading this book deeply influenced the way in which I live and the places where I place utmost importance. It helped me to see that "the kingdom is at hand." That I must no longer rob Christ of His present glory and begin to honor him in the "Here and Now." It influenced me to better engage with the God of "the story." It enabled me to recognize which areas within my soul yearn to simply push the Lord aside and strive after future goals and accomplishments. I can ultimately say that "Here and Now" was most effective in strengthening my relational skills with a God who quite honestly couldn't be more approachable.


  1. ah, yes nick, the approachability of God. it's pretty jarring. thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. i totally agree with that push toward the mindset that the kingdom is at hand. the kingdom has come in so many ways; heaven is here on earth, right now, anywhere that God's will is being done. and what a beautiful thing that He invites us to take part in. we are blessed indeed.

  2. I really appreciate your writing and your thoughts (and Bayley's as well).Thanks for taking the time and thought to dig in and take a honest look at yourself and how you approach God.

  3. thanks for sharing, nick! I really liked how you pointed out that we must "no longer rob Christ of His present glory and begin to honor him in the "Here and Now." the tough part of that is that it implies not living in and honoring Him in the present, we are robbing Him of glory that belongs to Him. Heavy reminder, thanks!

  4. Amen brother!
    Recognizing is so big!
    praying for them them to go from recognition to prayer/action to transformation

  5. I definitely agree with you on learning the ways that I push the Lord aside to further my own desires. I think it is so easy to do that and the devil is so crafty in furthering us in that. I am so pleased to hear about all that you learned. praying.

  6. Glad to see the impact Circles is having upon your life and the mind changing experiences the readings are creating!

  7. no longer rob Christ of His PRESENT glory.... ahhh. how I tend to view Him at the thrown on the day of MY judgment... I'm beginning to see how I think things are all about me. even Christ. thanks for this post and your honest truth in it... you have helped me realize another mask in my life... that perhaps when I think I am glorifying God, I am really glorifying myself. dang.

  8. Love your thoughts, and love the fact that you demonstrated how a book review can be concise and yet meaningful.

    Nicely done.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and words. I deeply appreciate the grace which each of you have extended me seeing as I am not the best blogger around and often fall short of the "weekly reading mark." I love each of you and I'm utterly amazed at how the Lord is sculpting each of your hearts to look more like His own. God speed.
