Thursday, March 3, 2011

How this place was made...

Lately my mind has grown deeply infatuated with why we do the things we do; in a societal, cultural, human sense. The way I see it, if God is alive and well, we ought to see significant hints of His imagination laced throughout everything(which I deeply believe we do). Just through simple observation, I have seen an innarant sense of morality amidst a hyper-secular culture. Why is it that all people seem to find certain things important? Things ranging from architecture to education. If we adjust our hearts and open our eyes ever so slightly we can, rather easily, see His hand at work. Why is it that education is important? Why is it wrong that there is world hunger? Why is it wrong to be a criminal and right to be an accountant? I believe that weather a man chooses to believe in God or not, the way he lives his life ultimately points to a wonderful Lord with a rather keen sense of humor. You see, even if a man denounces Christ as Lord he still desires the best for his daughter; therefore inadvertently proving that there is a pricelessness about her soul. Most men might agree that it is right to love their wives but not that it is wrong to hate their neighbors. A quote that has kept me mulling over this rather queer idea is by an author named G.K. Chesterton which reads "what is wrong with the world is that we do not ask what is right." I am finding that our everyday run-of-the-mill morality, as battered and bare as it may be nowadays, is only proof of an all good creator who is very much a part of who we ultimately are.


  1. i love your idea of adjusting our hearts. its such a simple concept but sometimes hard to put into practice. thanks for the reminder to always be on the look out for Him!

  2. Maybe it's too big of a concept. My physical anthropology professor loves his three kids. He even wants them to ask, Why are we here, what's the purpose of it all? Yet his professional life screams the hopeless, creator-less answer.
    I don't know how others make it. Perhaps if they adjust their hearts, as you say, then they'll see a God who is intimately involved. God hovers over the water. We just have to perceive.

  3. deep thoughts. leading to a good place and the Source of all knowledge and truth.

  4. wow. great things to ponder. thanks nick

  5. He is definitely a part of who we ultimately are. for sure. thanks, nick!

  6. Puts things into perspective. Thanks Nick! That is deep.

  7. Nice. Seems like some things should be discussed with the anthropology majors, Amanda and Bri...

  8. Totally David. I'm sure they would know a bunch more than me on the subject.

  9. man I'm going to have to think about this stuff. good post. the ideas about seeing God in everyday life are something I strive for.
